EDUP 9466: Keys to Content Writing
Earn up to 3 graduate-level credits upon completion of course requirements. You choose how many credits you want to earn when you register.
To register for Graduate-Level Semester Credit with University of the Pacific, you must first complete the Keys to Literacy Training below:
Upon successful completion of your Keys to Literacy Training, invest time reflecting on your learnings, research and relevant readings. As a student, you have two options for your course practicum requirements: (a) developing a time log that documents the time and hours that you invested into completing your course requirements, or (b) writing a reflection paper summarizing your overall experience of creating/developing new ideas inspired by your Keys to Literacy Training. The specific requirements concerning your time log/reflection paper are based on how many credits you decide to register for your course.
For the time log option, each credit registered will require 15 hours of participation listed
on your time log.
1 credit = 15 hours
2 credits = 30 hours
3 credits = 45 hours
For the reflection paper option, each credit registered will require a 3-page, single-spaced
written reflection.
1 credit = 3-page, single-spaced written reflection
2 credits = 6-page, single-spaced written reflection
3 credits = 9-page, single-spaced written reflection
Suggested Keys to Literacy activities and projects to include in your time log:
Time spent reading additional Keys to Literacy coursework readings, completing additional Keys to Literacy assignments, developing and/or modifying for your classroom the optional activities/make-and-take materials included with every Keys to Literacy module, and time spent sharing in Keys to Literacy trainer-led debrief sessions and Keys to Literacy Events (workshops and presentations).
Other eligible activities include development or revision of classroom curriculum to include Keys to Literacy learnings: rubrics, lesson plans, educational games, learning activities, PowerPoint presentations, video presentations, worksheets, educational websites, classroom visuals, classroom assignments and projects, learning centers, anchor charts, assessments, teacher-created books, physical education activities, self-evaluation/reflection reports, technology-related activities, storytelling activities, units of study, incorporation of Common Core Standards into Keys to Literacy activities, mindfulness strategies, etc.
Whether you spend time brainstorming, researching, reading, typing, writing, watching educational videos and films for ideas, constructing visuals, or putting together new curriculum and rubrics, you are able to document all the professional time you have invested in applying Keys to Literacy learnings and concepts into your classroom and teaching.
Specifically designed for busy teachers like you, you will get up to 6 months to submit coursework requirements, and extensions are always granted upon request. Opportunities are available across all teaching grade levels, disciplines, and subjects or topics. The overall course objective is aimed at implementing the best practices of education while meeting educational standards set by your school district or state.
Completed courses are letter graded and will appear on an official transcript from University of the Pacific, Benerd College. An Official Transcript with your final course grade(s) is available from Pacific upon successful completion of coursework. The course ending date that will appear on your transcript will reflect the date on which your completed coursework was reviewed and graded.
Keys to Literacy Training